This insert details another close out bass, the Gibson Grabber. A close out (as detailed on the inside cover) was a model in the process of deletion, but being given a reduced price and a final push. The last US price list entry for the Grabber was actually July 1980, with the Natural Satin bass priced at $499, and the Ebony version at $549. Grabber production had stopped by 1981 when this folder was published, but the Grabber did ship again (in very small numbers) in 1982, and even as late as 1984, with very small numbers of basses being finished at the Kalamazoo plant. Although only Natural Satin and Ebony finishes are mentioned here, like the G-3, the 1982 and 1984 Gibson Grabbers were generally shipped in new colours, previously not associated with the model: typically Candy Apple Red or Metallic Blue.
The text and image reproduced below are taken directly from the 1980 Gibson catalog
AU $4500