As well as guitars and amplifiers Vox made echo and reverb units: Vox Echo, Vox Echo deluxe, Vox Reverbalux, Domino Echo; Metal Clad (MC) amps: MC15, MC30, MC50, MC100, and Domino branded amplifiers: Domino Normal, Domino Reverb and Domino Bass.
The Vox Echo De Luxe was described as follows:
The first model produced in the United Kingdom - and still the finest. Portable and compact, with three inputs, push/pull controls for variety of echoes, multi-echoes, and stunt incidental tones. Separate on/off controls. Brings all the exhilarating effects of a large auditorium into even the smallest space. In sturdy, attractive, carrying case, with clear operating instructions and storage compartment for cables and accessories