Mid 70s advertisement for the Gibson L6-S series. The image features Carlos Santana (of latin rock band Santana) playing the L6-S Custom. This model was the first of the series, and was simply known as the L6-S until (and in some cases beyond) the time that the L6-S Deluxe was also available.
The image of Santana playing in his white suit is actually a cut-out of another image used previously on the cover of the 1975 Gibson solid body brochure
Actually, it's the Gibson L6-S. But he's got a point. Because the L6-S lets you color your sound any way you want with tone and mid-range control and a six-position sound switch. From pretty and warm to funky and hard—and anything in between—the choice is yours. The L6-S also has two incredibly powerful pickups mounted in its solid maple body tor exceptional sensitivity and sustain. And , the body itself is designed to give you complete access to 24 frets of the quickest, easiest action you ever laid your hands on Creem Magazine called it "The kind of guitar that musicians ten years from now will dream about owning" Santana calls it his rainbow. We call it the L6-S