Guild Starfire - When we unwrapped it we were knocked-out
This very early Starfire bass advert (mid 1965) from British music magazine Beat Instrumental shows the single pickup Starfire bass with the Hagstrom bisonic pickup in the bridge position. The doub...
Guild Starfire - Guild Quantum Bass Amplifier
Delivers that hard-driving, up-front, "Motown"-type sound - without going through the engineers control board
1967 add showing two members of the Blues Project; Steve Katz playing a Guild Starfi...
Guild Starfire - Guitars Amplifiers Strings
Features the Starfire V guitar, the Starfire bass II, Thunderstar bass amp, and the F-47 Bluegrass flat top
Guild ThunderBass 1-A - Guild Amplifiers
We build them great like we build our guitars
Advert for the following Guild guitar, bass and PA amps: Thunderstar bass, ThunderBass 1-A, Seven-forty-seven, Quantum X, CS-100 sound column, Thund...
Guild Starfire - Buddy Guy Blues Band
1970 Guitar Player advert featuring Buddy Guy's band - Buddy uses a Starfire SF IV through a Thunderbird guitar amp. The bass player uses a Starefire SF bass through a Quantum X amplifier
Guild Starfire - Maybe its time you played a different bass!
Black and white advert for the solid body JS II (fretted and fretless) and M-85 II basses, and the hollow body Starfire SF-bass II