"Whether you're a star, a sideman, a session player, or a serious student, the Lab Series works"
This advertisement from early 1979 illustrates the above claim with examples of each. The Star is Ronnie Montrose, who had previously appeared in a Lab Series advert for the L5 (here) in 1978, but is shown here on stage with the Lab Series L11.
The sideman was Joe Turner - bass player with BB King, who would himself go on to appear in a Lab Series advert in 1981. Turner uses the 200w 2x15 Lab Series L4.
The session player, although not named here, is Muscle Shoals legend Dave Hood; playing his long scale Alembic series 1 through the 100w 1x15" Lab Series L2 bass amp.
The serious student role is filled by a bunch of Guitar Institute of Technology players gathered around a single Lab Series L5. There are an awful lot of Gibsons on display!

Gibson Lab Series L5 - A new instrumental album featuring a man, his guitar, and our amplifier
One of the earliest publicity pieces for the Lab Series amplifiers placed in mid 1978. Unlike the majority of adverts for these amplifiers to follow, this one is short on text, letting the images d...
Gibson Lab Series L5 - LAB Series
June 1978 advertisement for the Lab Series amplifier range, picturing the 2x12" Lab Series L5 combo.
Gibson Lab Series L5 - It's got to be about the best tranny amp I've ever heard – damn it, it's got to be one of the best apps I've heard, tranny or not!
This 1980 advert for the Lab Series amplifier range was published in Guitar Player in 1980, and is made up of quotes by Gary Cooper (who proffered the title), Alan Holdsworth, and Whitesnake's Bern...
Gibson Lab Series L5 - Try my sound.. See if you like it!
This interesting advert from June 1980 features Jimmy Messina and the Lab Series L5. Like many of the other Lab Series ads, it includes quotes from the artist describing the amp, but also gives one...
Gibson Lab Series L2 - Lab Series. They've never sounded so good
December 1980 United Kingdom advert for the Lab Series amplifiers - available at a big discount due to the favourable exchange rate. Models listed are the: L2 (100w 1x15" bass head/cabinet), L3 (60...
Gibson Lab Series L5 - "My Lab Series amp takes all the bumps, and still gives a smooth performance."
This Lab Series advert featuring bluesman B.B. King and his L5 appeared in Guitar Player magazine in May and August 1981 - just one of many 'artist' adverts for the amp line. King's bassplayer, Joe...