This interesting advert from June 1980 features Jimmy Messina and the Lab Series L5. Like many of the other Lab Series ads, it includes quotes from the artist describing the amp, but also gives one of Messina's favourite settings.
Lab Series amps give you the sound. Listen to the professionals.
Like Jimmy Messina who says: "In concert, on stage, Lab Series is the only amp I use. The setting shown above is one of my favourite Lab Series sounds. The COMPRESSOR is what makes the amp for me. Lab Series gives me the right ratio between input and output depending on the room size... and Lab Series is compact. It's perfect for small concert halls and clubs, for 45 to 5000 people. I've tried all different types of amplifiers and none of them come close to Lab Series for reproducing my recorded sounds on stage. Lab Series has the most flexible equalization for the kind of sound I need."
The advert goes on to invite musicians to submit their own settings:
Want to share your favourite Lab Series amps setting with other musicians? Send us a complete description of your favourite setting, along with the type of music you play and why you prefer the sound produced by your Lab Series amp. Your setting may be chosen for advertising and promotional purposes.