Gibson 1975 Custom Order & Electric Acoustics catalogue. Page 8. Page 1 of a two-page spread on the Gibson Johnny Smith electric acoustic guitar. One key feature of the Johnny Smith was the lack of routing in the solid carved top. The pickup was mounted onto the side of the neck as shown here, whilst the controls were mounted to the scratchplate. These features allowed the body to vibrate without interference, producing the cleanest, most resonant tones possible.
The ornate detail of the neck inlays, and binding are also highlighted - a very fine guitar indeed.
It takes Gibson 90 days to assemble. finish and adjust one electric acoustic guitar. The top is hand carved to exacting specifications and the f holes are carefully calibrated. The neck is laminated with the wood grains running in opposite directions for maximum strength. And, while modern, fast-drying adhesives are available, Gibson still relies on the time tested adhesives that require multiple body binding while they set.