The Victory series just missed inclusion in the the very plush (and no doubt expensive to produce) 1980 catalogue/booklet, and it is not surprising, especially with the state of the guitar market in the early 1980s, that Gibson were not about to print something else so elaborate any time soon.
So in 1981 Gibson changed catalogue formats from previous years; creating a range of mini-folders (dimensions 8 3/4" x 4") each featuring one line of guitars, similar to the smaller catalogues of 1970. Separate inserts for each model would potentially allow new additions or deletions from any series without a complete reprint.
The four-sided Victory bass folder contains two loose-leaf inserts: one for the Victory Standard and one for the Victory Artist; the short-lived Victory custom was not quite yet available. The Victory Standard did remain in the line long enough to appear in one more US catalogue, the 1983.
See also
Victory MV guitar pre-owners manual
Victory bass owners manual
Victory bass at Fly Guitars