Gibson produced a number of advertisements across 1965 and '66 focussing on individual endorsing artists - typically jazz musicians, and each with a high end electric acoustic model. The images were illustrations by Neil Boyle, an artist with a distinctive style, and responsible for numerous promotional items for Gibson and Epiphone. Tony Mottola is featured with his ES-355TD-SV model.
Mottola had long been a Gibson endorsing artist, appearing in the 1960 catalogue, the 1962 catalogue and an advertisement for the Vangaurd amplifier in 1963.
He's a featured, member of Skitch Henderson's Tonight Show orchestra - a favorite on the Perry Como Music Hall - and a mainstay of Mitch Miller's recording gang. He's the skilled and sensitive musician-composer-arranger Tony Mottola - The Guitar Player's Guitar Player. An exciting example of Tony's tremendous Versatility is his latest Command recording, Guitar Paris (RS 877). You'll hear his tasteful phrasing in Poor People of Paris, the drama he creates in the Boulevard of Broken Dreams and the warmth and poignancy of Dominique.
It is a flawless performance played by a masterful artist. Responsiveness, sensitivity and superb tonal quality were the reasons why Tony Mottola first chose to play a Gibson guitar more than 25 years ago - and why he still plays Gibson today with complete confidence. And that's why Gibson is the choice of professional artists - and acknowledged 'world leader in fine guitars'.